The Recipe Challenge

As you may have seen already, I have taken up a reading challenge for 2017 (if you haven't seen this, you can read the first post, second post, and third post about it), and I am thoroughly enjoying approaching reading in a different, more deliberate way. This has affected how I think about other things in life, which led to discussing with a friend recently the idea of setting a recipe challenge. And so, over the course of walking to, ordering, and eating at a wonderful Italian restaurant, we outlined a recipe challenge.

Initially we were setting this challenge for my friend, but within moments of completing our page long list, I was hooked as well. And so we started a second list, carrying over about half of her categories and setting some specifically for me. And then agreed to try to complete the challenge by the year 2020!

I have broken the challenge into three sections, which I have included below.

These are the items we have in common in our challenges.

My friend has some personal goals which, frankly, intimidate me! And I set her some challenges I thought she might enjoy.

We adapted some of Apryl's interests to reflect my own with similar categories. And she set me some challenges she thought I might enjoy!

If you are interested in taking up this challenge for yourself, please let me know! I would love to hear your food related stories over the next few years. Take up the Common Challenge, or take up the full challenge either myself or my friend are tackling, or write your own!


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